So this past weekend has been quite a busy one... Friday afternoon, Laura and I headed to her hometown, Shelby, NC. I love it here, its such a peaceful town (for the most part). Well, when we got there, we went and visited her grandfather in the hospital. His health has not been good at all lately, due to heart problems and kidney problems. But we got to visit with him and even pray for him this afternoon before we left town.
Well friday evening, we went to Shelby High School's homecoming game, it was a ton of fun! Her ten year class reunion was this weekend so there were a ton of Laura's old friends there. I got to meet a lot of neat folks that I've heard stories about for years but never had a face to go with the person! well after the game, we all went to a little pub in uptown and hung out there for a while...
saturday, we just relaxed for the most part of the day, Laura had a baby shower to go to but I just hung out with her brother, Jay. then saturday night we went to the country club for the class reunion. it was a TON of fun... it was great meeting all of Laura's old friends. We met a lot of cool folks that we're going to be hanging out with soon, so that should be fun...
anyways, one thing that didn't happen this weekend was a lot of sleep, so i'm going to take a nap now and catch up on this blog later...
till our next time...
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