so i've really been struggling lately...
do you ever feel like your being sucked dry by everything around you. ok, for the next couple of sentences, please just let me rant and not judge me as being a hateful person... ok here it goes...
first of all, in my business class, i'm surrounded by excuse giving slackers. there's this woman in my class that said it wasn't fair that employers look at your credit score along with your resume/application (she said a number of things like divorce, could cause a bad credit score) . i spoke up saying that employers are too busy to deal with her excuses about why your credit score sucks. i also brought up that Google recieves over 1,000,000 resumes a year and that they don't have time to hear some lame excuse on why you stink at being responsible.
second frustration, and i'm not actually frustrated with this but... i've been very very busy with work lately, which is a good thing and its not exactly work i'm frustrated with, its the face that i work my tail off ALL day and then go to night class so i'm finding it hard to find time to sneeze not to mention sit and relax... right now, we have Laura's sister and her husband living with us, which i don't mind but it is extra people in our house which i'm not used to. but we are able to bless them right now so that's good.
oh and i'm also waiting to hear from my friend Mike, to hear whether he is wanting to merge companies or not. oh yea, i guess i havent talked about that. well, i've been subcontracting out this guy i met this past summer to hang doors for me and do other carpentry stuff. well i've been praying about us possibly merging. main reason, is my fairly large clientelle plus mike's incredible skill of carpentry should (should) equal a lot of money.
so that's my frustration, its not one single thing, its just everything combined. its very heavy on me, but i guess thats why i decided to give my life to Christ, who takes my burdens and makes them "not as heavy"...
well, thanks for listening y'all...
sorry for not blogging for a while...
- D
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